Jack Kassewitz
SpeakDolphin iPad App donated by Concentric Sky
The SpeakDolphin.com Project is spearheaded by Global Heart, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Miami, Florida, founded by Donna & Jack Kassewitz.

Jack and the twin orangutans, Peanut and Pumpkin, play.
Jack and Hannah
Noel's painting of Peanut
Young Jake
Click on TED Talks to see a talk that refers to us.

Games play an important role in the social interaction of all animals. By engaging in games with animals we are able to gain valuable insights into their behavior and communication - both verbal and non-verbal. Video taping and photographing these play sessions has proven indispensable, because we frequently observe details of their play interaction that we completely overlooked while the game was in progress. Often there is so much activity going on all at once, that we do not notice what is right in front of us. It is only later when reviewing the videos and photographs that we fully grasp the depth of the animals willingness to engage us in play.

These are the stories and pictures from our project with Jungle Island - Miami.

I want to thank Dr. Bernie Levine and Linda Jacobs of Jungle Island - Miami for giving me the opportunity to work with these amazing beings.
If your school science class is studying non-human primates, take the time to send us a class T-shirt and we will ask Hannah to try it on and if she likes it we will send you a picture of her wearing it.
  We believe education and understanding will bring about the survival of these great sentient beings.
On most Sundays and Mondays we can be found at the Orangutan Primadome at Jungle Island - Miami between 1 and 3 o'clock providng additional enrichment using novel games  with the seven orangutans living there: Jake, Hannah, Sinbad, Connie, Tasha, Peanut and Pumpkin.
The six orangutans of Jungle Island - Miami
Jack's work has been featured on:
All  photographs, sounds and video on this site are Copyrighted and Protected under  U.S. and International Law.